Tag Archives: Financial Plan


Taking the Fear Out of Creating a Financial Plan (Ep.3)

Signing up with a financial advisor can be intimidating and often is something many don’t do until a crisis occurs and they need financial guidance.

Don’t let it happen to you!

In this episode, Ken Ouellette, CPM® explains how the experience doesn’t have to be scary and why you should do it before a crisis occurs. He explains the experience clients have with Orca Wealth Management after they sign up with the company, and how the company works to ensure your retirement is robust and prosperous. 

Ken discusses: 

  • The client experience after signing up with Orca Wealth Management 
  • How Orca helps their clients build a retirement plan that is secure and actionable for you
  • How the envision plan works to ensure clients are in a comfortable financial area prior to retirement
  • What major life events your advisor needs to know about and why
  • The importance of open communication 
  • And more

Connect with Ken Ouellette: